
Bodil Keativ Skjolven Video

Alternativet Sangen” is my first video showing myself. It is made for a singing competition ending 18. december 2016.

It was both an exciting and courageous process, where time pressure meant that I neither had time to make it too ambitious nor be too critical to achieve a result, but just use the courage to throw myself into something new. The video was then recorded with the iPhone5 lying on a music stand.

A lot has happened since then. A Canon G7x vlogging camera and tripods have raised the bar considerably. The videos are partially edited in the music editor REAPER along with the audio, but I also use iMovie. The audio page can be made in different ways, for example in mouse score, garage band or as often recorded directly in REAPER.

In this new field there is a lot to learn to master communication, and I can see how I develop every time. but the effort I put into it must always be balanced up to what I love most; to create and play music.

Music Videos

About winter Solstice and letting the talking stick pass in a circle, listening and speaking from the heart.

This song is about the spiritual progress of mankind, that peace is growing in our hearts. Every time we experience dread and sorrow, and take a stand aganinst violence and war, we alle move a little step aganist worldpeace. Each of us will gradually retain peace in our hearts.

Everyone of us is a part of the whole.  We are all conneted. All we do affect others.


The song is about making meaningfull choices in our lives, because when we choose meaningfullness we will become strong, faithful and feel inner peace. Released for the rame Drum Circle Song Midweek Challenge 3 Wednesdays in November 2017.




Tour 2022


A song that strengthens our community.

A song about transformation og "The Dark Night of the Soul".

Song about courage to live.

A song to my friend going through hard times.

A song about the two sides of ourselves.